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Study on the Admissibility of Expert Evidence in Australia

Study on the Admissibility of Expert Evidence in Australia

Ji Meijun

The Institute of Procuratorial Theory of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

Beijing 100040

  【Abstract】 Modern science and technology have made the division of labor highly sophisticated. Evidence from experts in their specific fields, as a result, has a more important role to play in criminal proceedings. Though the system of expert witness in Australia originated from England and Wales, it has its own characteristics after several decades of development since Australia gained its independence. The rules of admissibility for expert evidence, in particular, are rather concrete and perfect, on such areas as special knowledge, expertise, common knowledge, basic rule and the rule of ultimate issue. In order to overcome injustice that might be caused by expert evidence and the misuse of expert witnesses, Australia has implemented some counter measures in recent years. This may provide some valuable experiences for reforming the system of judicial forensic science in China.
  【Key Words】 Expert evidence, Rules of admissibility, Reforms, Learning experiences

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