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Study on Non-collision Injuries in Bus.

 YI Xu-fu,CHEN Xiao-gang, GUO Shao-feng, et al. West China School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041.

  Abstract Objective To explore the mechanism and nature of non-collision injuries in bus. Methods  34 cases with non-collision injuries in bus from 1990 to 2004 were researched retrospectively at School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine. All patients diagnosed with non-collision injuries were evaluated for forensic study.  Result  There were 34 patients, 14 males and 20 females, and 25 patients were older than 50 years. Most patients were sitting when they were injured. The most common injury positions were vertebral column, head and limbs. The major cause of injuries was sudden deceleration or acceleration. Conclusion  It is necessary to take some preventive measures to minimize non-collision injuries in bus.

  【Key Words Non-collision injuries, Bus

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