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Evidence Science Volume 16 Number1 Feb.25, 2008
Evidence Science
Volume 16 Number1  Feb.25, 2008
Reflection and Perfection of Evidential Competency System in China. CHEN Wei-dong,FU Lei(003)
Tri-fold Evidence Methodology in Semiotics and Its Application in Law of Evidence.MENG Hua(016)
Research on Shifting of Burden of Proof. CHEN Jie-rong(027)
A Fable of Double Faces on Witness Presence in Criminal Court. LU Er-qi(037)
The Rise of Modern Evidence Law. Thomas P. Gallanis.Translated by WU Hong-qi(049)
Examination and Judgment of Authenticity of Testimony———Statement Validity Assessment. LI An(091)
Evolution in Evaluating the Ability of Criminal Liability of the Mentally Disabled in UK and USA. HE Tian(099)
Issues on Civil Competence Standardized Assessment of Mentally Disabled. ZHANG Qin-ting, PANG Yan-xia, CAI Wei-xiong, et al(111)
Cognizance of the Same-Plate-Printing in Lithography. HAN Xing-zhou, HAO Hong-guang, WANG Jin-sheng(117)
Progress of Research on Using Vertebra for Personal Identification. LIU Yang, ZHANG Hui
-qin, LI Kai et al (121)
Sudden Death with Myocardial Bridging. YI Xu-fu, CHEN Xiao-gang, LI Qin, et al(125)
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