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Is the Science of Evidence Law a Science of Law———Review centered with research subjects

YI Yan - you ( Tsinghua University , Beijing 100084)

Abstract : Through ten years’quantity review with respect to the growth of knowledge in the science of evidence law , the result is that on the one hand , most of research on the science of evidence law in China has been in the position between the science of law and natural science. Such research can enrich neither the knowledge of natural science nor the knowledge of law. On the other hand , in the field of possible increasing the knowledge of law , the science of evidence law , however , attached to other branches of law and therefore lost it s own value to exist independently. Being lack of methodology t raining and limited research ability are the reasons for the existence of the phenomenon. Therefore , in order to make the science of evidence law an independent legal subject , researchers must get the t raining on methodologies to make the subject cont ribute to the legal knowledge and st rive to establish a unified theory of evidence law.

Key Words :Science of Evidence Law ; Research Object ; Methodology ; Knowledge Growth ; Unified Theory

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