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Conflict between “Appraisal Must Be Clear and Accurate” and Requirements of Evidence Providing.

    ZOU Ming-li.Forensic Science Center of SWUPL, Chongqing, 430030.

  Abstract Questioning about the legislation suggestion of appraisal result must be clear and the forensic science goal of appraisal result must be accurate, this paper argues, supported by six implicit reasons, that the appraisal result must be clear” is not compliant with the legal requirements of evidence providing, and it should be modified to “appraisal result should meet the science and technology standards”. Explaining the goal of “appraisal result must be clear” is impractical, the author thinks this should be changed into standard-compliant and more practical goal of “appraisal result should be objective and true”.   

  Key Words Appraisal result, Evidence requirements, Objective and true, Science and technology standard

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