如何从侦查中心转向审判中心 |
2015-4-23 |
中国共产党第十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称为《决定》)提出,要推进以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革。 在刑事诉讼过程中,法庭审判本应是中心环节,是决定诉讼结果的关键环节。但是在当下中国的刑事诉讼中,法庭审判不是“中心”。因此,确立法庭审判在刑事诉 讼过程的“中心地位”,是我国刑事诉讼制度改革的当务之急。要完成四中全会《决定》提出的“推进以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革”的任务,人们首先要转变观念。不仅司法改革的决策者要转变观念,司法改革的执行者也要转变观念。不过,实现这项改革目标更需要完善相关的制度和规则。四中全会的《决定》已经在这方 面做出了原则性规定。要让这些规定在司法实践中发挥应有的作用,有关部门还需要制定或完善具体的规则。
在刑事诉讼过程中,公、检、法之间的关系是一个很值得认真研究的问题。如前所述,我国的刑事诉讼模式具有“流水线”作业的特点,因此公、检、法要互相配 合,共同把好案件的“质量关”,保证刑事司法系统生产出合格的“社会产品”,完成打击犯罪和保护人民的任务。但是,这样强调公、检、法之间的互相配合,往 往就在实践中使三机关之间的互相制约徒有虚名。四中全会《决定》明确提出要优化司法职权配置,“健全公安机关、检察机关、审判机关、司法行政机关各司其 职,侦查权、检察权、审判权、执行权相互配合、相互制约的体制机制”。我以为,分权的主要目的就是为了互相制约。由不同机关分掌刑事司法的侦查权、起诉 权、审判权,就是为了通过互相制约来防止权力的滥用,保障司法公正。面对我国刑事诉讼过程中公、检、法三家配合有余而制约不足的现状,我们急需完善公、 检、法相互制约的规则。就一般刑事案件而言,公安侦查工作的成效实际上对检、法两家的工作形成了制约,而检察院作为国家法律监督机关,既可以在一定程度上 制约公安的侦查权,也可以在一定程度上制约法院的审判权,因此目前最需要加强的是法院对侦查权和起诉权的制约。在制约侦查方面,我们可以借鉴许多国家的做 法,建立强制性侦查措施的司法审查规则,譬如搜查和逮捕的司法令状制度。在制约起诉方面,我们应该完善法庭的举证、质证、认证规则,通过加强律师辩护和确 保法官居中裁判来达至控辩双方的平等对抗,使法庭审判真正成为刑事诉讼的中心环节。
审判独立是实现“审判中心”的前提条件。我国《宪法》第126条和《刑事诉讼法》第5条都明确规定“人民法院依照法律规定独立行使审判权,不 受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉”。但是在“以侦查为中心”的诉讼模式下,在司法机关的人、财、物都受制于地方政府的体制下,法院院长要接受公安局长领导的情况屡见不鲜,地方党政领导以各种手段干预司法裁判的情况也时有所见。为了改变这种状况,四中全会《决定》提出要完善确保依法独立公正行使审判权和检 察权的制度,明确规定“各级党政机关和领导干部要支持法院、检察院依法独立公正行使职权。建立领导干部干预司法活动、插手具体案件处理的记录、通报和责任追究制度。任何党政机关和领导干部都不得让司法机关做违反法定职责、有碍司法公正的事情,任何司法机关都不得执行党政机关和领导干部违法干预司法活动的要 求。对干预司法机关办案的,给予党纪政纪处分;造成冤假错案或者其他严重后果的,依法追究刑事责任。”这些规定为法院独立行使审判权提供了重要的保障,但是比较原则,还需要具体的实施细则。因此,各级法院也要抓住这一轮司法改革的机遇,制定和完善相关的制度性保障规则。诚然,中国的司法改革需要顶层决策, 没有国家领导人的重视和支持,司法改革很难推行。但是,司法改革不能仅有顶层决策,还要有具体设计,而后者就要由司法机关自己来完成。用通俗的话说,“审判中心”不能靠上级命名,也不能靠他人推举,只能靠各级法院通过自己的行动来实现。
刑事诉讼有一项重要的司法裁判原则,既“直接审理”原则。按照该原则,对案件事实争议问题作出裁判的法官应该直接对证据进行审查,未亲历证据 审查的法官不能对案件事实作出裁判。直接审理是与间接审理相对而言的。一般来说,法院的一审都应该采用直接审理的方式,但二审或上诉审则可以采取间接审理 的做法,如书面审理等。直接审理原则是司法公正的保障。法官是案件的裁判者,法官对证据的审查必须具有“亲历性”。这有两层含义:其一,任何证据都必须经 过法庭上直接的举证和质证,才能作为裁判者认定案件事实的依据;其二,只有直接审查案件证据的法官才能参与案件事实问题的裁判。例如,在台湾地区,如果没 有参与审理案件的法官参与了案件的判决,那么上诉法院就可以裁定该判决违法。构建以审判为中心的刑事诉讼制度,必须坚持直接审理原则。四中全会的《决定》 在这个问题上也作出了规定,例如明确了不同层级审判的要点,一审重在解决事实认定和法律适用,二审重在解决事实法律争议、实现二审终审,再审重在解决依法 纠错、维护裁判权威;还明确规定司法机关内部人员不得违反规定干预其他人员正在办理的案件,建立司法机关内部人员过问案件的记录制度和责任追究制度,完善 主审法官、合议庭等的办案责任制。在此基础上,各级法院应该进一步完善合议庭和审委会的议事规则,应该明确把审委会讨论决定的事项限定在法律适用问题的范 围内。这就是说,事实认定问题都应该由直接审理案件的合议庭法官作出裁判;有争议的法律适用问题可以由审委会讨论决定。在这个问题上,各级法院的领导应该 尊重司法裁判规律,抛弃行政决策习惯,让案件的直接审理者成为真正的裁判者。
四中全会的《决定》还明确提出要“全面贯彻证据裁判规则,严格依法收集、固定、保存、审查、运用证据,完善证人、鉴定人出庭制度,保证庭审在查明事 实、认定证据、保护诉权、公正裁判中发挥决定性作用”。大陆法系国家在坚持直接审理原则的同时,还坚持言词审理原则,而这与英美法系国家的传闻证据规则在 强调证人出庭的问题上具有异曲同工之作用。例如,德国《刑事诉讼法》第250条(证据审查的直接性)规定:“如果对事实的证明以个人的感觉为根据,应当在 审判中询问本人。不得以宣读询问笔录或者书面证言的方式而代替询问。”这既是保障司法公正的措施,也是防止庭审虚化的措施。我国2012年修订的《刑事诉 讼法》第187条规定:“公诉人、当事人或者辩护人、诉讼代理人对证人证言有异议,且该证人证言对案件定罪量刑有重大影响,人民法院认为证人有必要出庭作 证的,证人应当出庭作证。”(如是规定也适用于鉴定人和侦查人员。)要改变我国庭审虚化的状况,强调证人出庭作证是至关重要的,因为证人出庭可以切断法官对案卷材料的依赖,促进法庭审判的“由虚转实”。由于上述规定为证人出庭设置了一个“法院认为”的主观要件,所以法官的态度就成为关键。为了防止法官把该主观要件用作不让证人出庭的借口,法院应该制定出更加具体明确的保障证人出庭作证的规则。
近年来随着我国司法公开力度的加大,庭审直播日益成为司法建设的热点,对庭审直播的呼声也日益高涨。庭审直播是指通过电视、互联网或其他公共传媒对法院公开开庭审理案件的庭审过程进行图文、音频、视频的播放,形式主要有广播、电视直播、网络图文直播和网络视频直播等。庭审直播可以让社会公众直观地了解法庭 审判的过程,可以为实现“审判中心”提供外部助力。在“全民目击”的审判模式下,法官、检察官、律师都会各尽职守,当事人和证人的权利也能得到较好的保障。即使庭审直播不能一下子改变庭审虚化的现状,也可以对庭审虚化的转变发挥倒逼的作用。2010年,最高人民法院颁布了《关于人民法院直播录播庭审活动 的规定》,规定了庭审直播的原则、直播的形式、直播的程序等内容。2013年11月,最高人民法院又颁布了《关于推进司法公开三大平台建设的若干意见》,要求各级人民法院应当积极创新庭审公开的方式,以视频、音频、图文、微博等方式适时公开庭审过程。2013年12月11日,“中国法院庭审直播网”正式开通,公众可以通过该网站的视频观看到全国各地法院的庭审实况。不过,目前各地法院的庭审直播也存在不少问题,继续完善有关庭审直播的具体规则,例如,庭审 直播的案件挑选规则,庭审直播的审批程序规则,庭审直播的权利保护规则等。如果庭审直播能够客观完整地向观众展现法庭审判的过程,展现以庭审为中心的司法公正精神,那就可以促进我国刑事诉讼制度从“侦查中心”转向“审判中心”。
转载自:中国证据法网 |
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"Three drops, sheepherder, don't pour it. You sprinkle three drops only. You can understand later so long as you remember now. Think of it as upholding custom. The Amyrlin will do with you as she must. If you believe you can avoid it, then you believe you can fly to the moon like Lenn. You can't escape, but maybe you can hold your own for a while, and perhaps you can keep your pride, at least. The Light burn me, I am probably wasting my time, but I've nothing better to do. Hold still." From his pocket the Warder produced a long length of wide, fringed golden cord and tied it around Rand's left arm in a complicated knot. On the knot he fastened a red-enameled pin, an eagle with its wings spread. "I had that made to give you, and now is as good a time as any. That will make them think." There was no doubt about it, now. The Warder was smiling.Rand looked down at the pin worriedly. Caldazar. The Red Eagle of Manetheren. "A thorn to the Dark One's foot," he murmured, "and a bramble to his hand." He looked at the Warder. "Manetheren's long dead and forgotten, Lan. It's just a name in a book, now. There is only the Two Rivers. Whatever else I am, I'm a shepherd and a farmer. That's all.""Well, the sword that could not be broken was shattered in the end, sheepherder, but it fought the Shadow to the last. There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet. Now, are you ready? The Amyrlin Seat waits."With a cold knot in the pit of his belly, Rand followed the Warder into the hall.Startled, Rand instinctively assumed the walking stance as he had been taught, back straight but every muscle loose, as if he hung from a wire at the top of his head. It was a relaxed, almost arrogant, saunter. Relaxed on the outside; he certainly did not feel it inside. He had no time to wonder what he was doing. They rounded the last corridor in step with each other.The women at the entrance to the women's apartments looked up calmly as they came closer. Some sat behind slanted tables, checking large ledgers and sometimes making an entry. Others were knitting, or working with needle and embroidery hoop. Ladies in silks kept this watch, as well as women in livery. The arched doors stood open, unguarded except for the women. No more was needed. No Shienaran man would enter uninvited, but any Shienaran man stood ready to defend that door if needed, and he would be aghast at the need.Rand's stomach churned, harsh and acid. They'll take one look at our swords and turn us away. Well, that's what I want, isn't it? If they turn us back, maybe I can still get away. If they don't call the guards down on us. He clung to the stance Lan had given him as he would have to a floating branch in a flood; holding it was the only thing that kept him from turning tail and running.One of the Lady Amalisa's attendants, Nisura, a round-faced woman, put aside her embroidery and stood as they came to a stop. Her eyes flickered across their swords, and her mouth tightened, but she did not mention them. All the women stopped what they were doing to watch, silent and intent."Honor to you both," Nisura said, bowing her head slightly. She glanced at Rand, so quickly he was almost not sure he had seen it; it reminded him of what Perrin had said. "The Amyrlin Seat awaits you." She motioned, and two other ladies - not servants; they were being honored - stepped forward for escorts. The women bowed, a hair more than Nisura had, and motioned them through the archway. They both gave Rand a sidelong glance, then did not look at him again.Were they looking for all of us, or just me? Why all of us?Inside, they got the looks Rand expected-two men in the women's apartments where men were rare-and their swords caused more than one raised eyebrow, but none of the women spoke. The two men left knots of conversation in their path, soft murmurs too low for Rand to make out.Lan strode along as if he did not even notice. Rand kept pace behind their escorts and wished he could hear.And then they reached the Amyrlin Seat's chambers, with three Aes Sedai in the hall outside the door. The tall Aes Sedai, Leane, held her golden-flamed staff. Rand did not know the other two, one of the White Ajah and one Yellow by their fringe. He remembered their faces, though, staring at him as he had run through these same halls. Smooth Aes Sedai faces, with knowing eyes. They studied him with arched eyebrows and pursed lips. The women who had brought Lan and Rand curtsied, handing them over to the Aes Sedai. .Leane looked Rand over with a slight smile. Despite the smile, her voice had a snap to it. "What have you brought the Amyrlin Seat today, Lan Gaidin? A young lion? Better you don't let any Greens see this one, or one of them will bond him before he can take a breath. Greens like to bond them young."Rand wondered if it was really possible to sweat inside your skin. He felt as if he was. He wanted to look at Lan, but he remembered this part of the Warder's instructions. "I am Rand al'Thor, son of Tam al'Thor, of the Two Rivers, which once was Manetheren. As I have been summoned by the Amyrlin Seat, Leane Sedai, so do I come. I stand ready." He was surprised that his voice did not shake once.Leane blinked, and her smile faded to a thoughtful look. "This is supposed to be a shepherd, Lan Gaidin? He was not so sure of himself this morning." |
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