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  最近,聂树斌案的复查听证会成为了社会关注的焦点,人们对该案议论纷纷,众说不一,既包括事实认定问题,也包括法律适用问题。有人声称,该案发生在 1994年,审判在1995年,因此现在认定聂树斌是否有罪即原判是否错案应该依据当时的法律,即1979年的《刑事诉讼法》。当时的法律没有规定疑罪从无的原则,而且实践中普遍适用“两个基本”的证明标准。如果用现在的高标准去衡量过去的判决,那恐怕有很多案件都应该被界定为错判了。我以为,这种观点是似是而非的。

 现在,山东省高级人民法院对聂树斌案进行复查,是依照审判监督程序对申诉进行审查以决定是否启动再审,当然应该以现行法律为依据,而不能以1979年的 《刑事诉讼法》为依据。201311生效的《刑事诉讼法》第242条规定:“当事人及其法定代理人、近亲属的申诉符合下列情形之一的,人民法院应当重新审判:(一)有新的证据证明原判决、裁定认定的事实确有错误,可能影响定罪量刑的;(二)据以定罪量刑的证据不确定、不充分、依法应当予以排除,或者证明案件事实的主要证据之间存在矛盾的;(三)原判决、裁定适用法律确有错误的;(四)违反法律规定的诉讼程序,可能影响公正审判的;(五)审判人员在审理该案件的时候,有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。” 就聂案来说,复查的主要任务是看该案是否存在上述(一)或(二)所规定的情况,可以简述为“确有错误”和“证据缺陷”,其实质内涵是现有证据能否确实充分地证明聂树斌就是该强奸杀人案的罪犯。

毋庸讳言,我国的刑事司法在20世纪90年代尚处于较低的发展水平,从制度规则到人员素质都存在不少问题,因此用今天的高标准去衡量20年前的工作质量确 实不尽合理。但是现在对聂树彬案进行复查,其实主要不是评价当年有关人员的工作质量,而是要确定这个案件的判决是否错误。最为重要的是,现在复查该案已经 有了“新证据”,即王书金的认罪供述以及他对犯罪现场的辨认。如果说原审法院当年定罪时所依据的“旧证据”还可以勉强达到“两个基本”的证明标准,那么在有了“新证据”之后,这些证据的组合能够证明聂树彬是强奸杀人者的概率恐怕也低于“两个基本”的标准了。

认定错判与错案责任追究是两个问题,不应混为一谈。换言之,认定错判并不一定要追究当年办案人员的责任。认定错判应该以今天的法律为依据,而追究责任还应 该以当年的法律规定为标准,而且要坚持过错责任原则。无论是警察是检察官还是法官,如果确属贪赃枉法、徇私枉法、刑讯逼供或重大过失的,当然要追究错案责 任,但是如果只是因为认识偏差而导致错判,而且是在过去那样的制度和社会环境下造成的,则可以不追究错案责任。过度强调错案责任追究,就可能在现实中把一 些原本属于过失的恶转化为故意的恶,甚至造成申诉人与原办案人员之间的生死对抗!社会的和谐进化,需要一定的宽恕与妥协。



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“Something that Nelly Trotter” (Trotting Nelly, as the company called her) “brought from a sketching gentleman that lives at the woman’s” (thus bluntly did the upstart minx describe the reverend Mrs. Margaret Dods) “at the Cleikum of Aultoun yonder”— A name, by the way, which the inn had acquired from the use which the saint upon the sign-post was making of his pastoral crook.

“Indeed, Dinah?” said Mr. Winterblossom, gravely taking out his spectacles, and wiping them before he opened the roll of paper; “some boy’s daubing, I suppose, whose pa and ma wish to get him into the Trustees’ School, and so are beating about for a little interest. — But I am drained dry — I put three lads in last season; and if it had not been my particular interest with the secretary, who asks my opinion now and then, I could not have managed it. But giff-gaff, say I. — Eh! What, in the devil’s name, is this? — Here is both force and keeping — Who can this be, my lady? — Do but see the sky-line — why, this is really a little bit — an exquisite little bit — Who the devil can it be? and how can he have stumbled upon the dog-hole in the Old Town, and the snarling b —— I beg your ladyship ten thousand pardons — that kennels there?”

“I dare say, my lady,” said a little miss of fourteen, her eyes growing rounder and rounder, and her cheeks redder and redder, as she found herself speaking, and so many folks listening —“O la! I dare say it is the same gentleman we met one day in the Low-wood walk, that looked like a gentleman, and yet was none of the company, and that you said was a handsome man.”

“I did not say handsome, Maria,” replied her ladyship; “ladies never say men are handsome — I only said he looked genteel and interesting.”

“And that, my lady,” said the young parson, bowing and smiling, “is, I will be judged by the company, the more flattering compliment of the two — We shall be jealous of this Unknown presently.”

“Nay, but,” continued the sweetly communicative Maria, with some real and some assumed simplicity, “your ladyship forgets — for you said presently after, you were sure he was no gentleman, for he did not run after you with your glove which you had dropped — and so I went back myself to find your ladyship’s glove, and he never offered to help me, and I saw him closer than your ladyship did, and I am sure he is handsome, though he is not very civil.”

“You speak a little too much and too loud, miss,” said Lady Penelope, a natural blush reinforcing the nuance of rouge by which it was usually superseded.

“What say you to that, Squire Mowbray?” said the elegant Sir Bingo Binks.

“A fair challenge to the field, Sir Bingo,” answered the squire; “when a lady throws down the gauntlet, a gentleman may throw the handkerchief.”

kmbsh 发表评论: ( 2015-8-10 5:58:45 )









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qiuml20150807 发表评论: ( 2015-8-7 9:55:25 )

qiuml20150807 发表评论: ( 2015-8-7 9:56:06 )

wulili 发表评论: ( 2015-9-29 10:26:32 )

"Three drops, sheepherder, don't pour it. You sprinkle three drops only. You can understand later so long as you remember now. Think of it as upholding custom. The Amyrlin will do with you as she must. If you believe you can avoid it, then you believe you can fly to the moon like Lenn. You can't escape, but maybe you can hold your own for a while, and perhaps you can keep your pride, at least. The Light burn me, I am probably wasting my time, but I've nothing better to do. Hold still." From his pocket the Warder produced a long length of wide, fringed golden cord and tied it around Rand's left arm in a complicated knot. On the knot he fastened a red-enameled pin, an eagle with its wings spread. "I had that made to give you, and now is as good a time as any. That will make them think." There was no doubt about it, now. The Warder was smiling.Rand looked down at the pin worriedly. Caldazar. The Red Eagle of Manetheren. "A thorn to the Dark One's foot," he murmured, "and a bramble to his hand." He looked at the Warder. "Manetheren's long dead and forgotten, Lan. It's just a name in a book, now. There is only the Two Rivers. Whatever else I am, I'm a shepherd and a farmer. That's all.""Well, the sword that could not be broken was shattered in the end, sheepherder, but it fought the Shadow to the last. There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet. Now, are you ready? The Amyrlin Seat waits."With a cold knot in the pit of his belly, Rand followed the Warder into the hall.Startled, Rand instinctively assumed the walking stance as he had been taught, back straight but every muscle loose, as if he hung from a wire at the top of his head. It was a relaxed, almost arrogant, saunter. Relaxed on the outside; he certainly did not feel it inside. He had no time to wonder what he was doing. They rounded the last corridor in step with each other.The women at the entrance to the women's apartments looked up calmly as they came closer. Some sat behind slanted tables, checking large ledgers and sometimes making an entry. Others were knitting, or working with needle and embroidery hoop. Ladies in silks kept this watch, as well as women in livery. The arched doors stood open, unguarded except for the women. No more was needed. No Shienaran man would enter uninvited, but any Shienaran man stood ready to defend that door if needed, and he would be aghast at the need.Rand's stomach churned, harsh and acid. They'll take one look at our swords and turn us away. Well, that's what I want, isn't it? If they turn us back, maybe I can still get away. If they don't call the guards down on us. He clung to the stance Lan had given him as he would have to a floating branch in a flood; holding it was the only thing that kept him from turning tail and running.One of the Lady Amalisa's attendants, Nisura, a round-faced woman, put aside her embroidery and stood as they came to a stop. Her eyes flickered across their swords, and her mouth tightened, but she did not mention them. All the women stopped what they were doing to watch, silent and intent."Honor to you both," Nisura said, bowing her head slightly. She glanced at Rand, so quickly he was almost not sure he had seen it; it reminded him of what Perrin had said. "The Amyrlin Seat awaits you." She motioned, and two other ladies - not servants; they were being honored - stepped forward for escorts. The women bowed, a hair more than Nisura had, and motioned them through the archway. They both gave Rand a sidelong glance, then did not look at him again.Were they looking for all of us, or just me? Why all of us?Inside, they got the looks Rand expected-two men in the women's apartments where men were rare-and their swords caused more than one raised eyebrow, but none of the women spoke. The two men left knots of conversation in their path, soft murmurs too low for Rand to make out.Lan strode along as if he did not even notice. Rand kept pace behind their escorts and wished he could hear.And then they reached the Amyrlin Seat's chambers, with three Aes Sedai in the hall outside the door. The tall Aes Sedai, Leane, held her golden-flamed staff. Rand did not know the other two, one of the White Ajah and one Yellow by their fringe. He remembered their faces, though, staring at him as he had run through these same halls. Smooth Aes Sedai faces, with knowing eyes. They studied him with arched eyebrows and pursed lips. The women who had brought Lan and Rand curtsied, handing them over to the Aes Sedai. .Leane looked Rand over with a slight smile. Despite the smile, her voice had a snap to it. "What have you brought the Amyrlin Seat today, Lan Gaidin? A young lion? Better you don't let any Greens see this one, or one of them will bond him before he can take a breath. Greens like to bond them young."Rand wondered if it was really possible to sweat inside your skin. He felt as if he was. He wanted to look at Lan, but he remembered this part of the Warder's instructions. "I am Rand al'Thor, son of Tam al'Thor, of the Two Rivers, which once was Manetheren. As I have been summoned by the Amyrlin Seat, Leane Sedai, so do I come. I stand ready." He was surprised that his voice did not shake once.Leane blinked, and her smile faded to a thoughtful look. "This is supposed to be a shepherd, Lan Gaidin? He was not so sure of himself this morning."

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