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发表评论: ( 2010-10-11 13:51:57 )
Thank you Grace, for your Truth. Thank you Deepak for pointing the way here And thank you Mallika for providing this place for us to come together in integrity power strips for our day to day sometimes seemingly mundane intentionsextension cordsand also for times of sharing deeper thought, feeling, comfort and love. With Love and Gratitude, Mahaila |
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louboutin 发表评论: ( 2010-10-19 14:44:22 )
Tonight I am starting a fitness regimen called . Should I be doing so? I’m not entirely sure but I do know that the only way I ever really get into shape is by diving in head first and giving it my all and that is what P90X supposedly demands of me. To start with I have to take a fitness test to see how I stand (and to make sure I’m ready for the program). I know I probably am not ready but that is what the whole head first thing is all about.Toward the end of fitness and transparency into the program and my results I am going to log my results here. Many of the readers of this blog may really not want to read these posts so you will know when it is a P90X post because every post about it will start with the prefix of P90X: just like this one is.The fitness test has one part I can’t do because I don’t own any kind of dumbbells at the moment; I also don’t have a pull-up bar so I tried to do some on a wooden thing that hangs in my garage and that is covered with some plywood – it tore up my hands but I did what I could (perhaps I should have worn gloves). |
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“生死契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。”是一种古老而坚定的承诺,是浪漫而美丽的传说。执手千山万水骤然缩短,执手恩怨情仇悠然消散,执手泪眼不忍相看,执手相思,相思难眠。执手之时,冷暖两心知;执手之时,悲喜两忘。无奈的是执手后的悲哀,无奈的是分手时的凄绝。执手因为爱。爱的越真,心越清纯;爱的越深,情越质朴。执手时,绝不疯狂,绝不偏私。执子之手,与子偕老?执子之手,生死两忘!曾经以为所有的爱情故事都一定要惊天地,泣鬼神才算完美,曾经以为只有留有残缺的爱情才是最美的……曾经以为每个人的爱情都一定要轰轰烈烈才能称得上爱情……曾经以为所有的爱情都有花前月下,海誓山盟……然而这些爱情都只是在小说里才会出现的场面,在我们的生活中没有那么多轰轰烈烈,没有那么多一见钟情,没有那么多催人泪下的梁祝式爱情故事。于是我们开始从虚幻的世界走向现实的世界,我们开始不再向往那么多的山盟海誓,我们只是渴望能有这样一份爱情——执子之手,与子偕老。曾经无限向往九千九百九十九朵玫瑰的浪漫,曾经无限向往同生共死的壮烈……也曾经无限向往在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝的忠贞,但自从与那人携手走过黑夜里的漫漫长路,在瑟瑟寒风中任他为我披上外套之后,就死心塌地地认同了执子之手,与子偕老的爱情——不为什么,尽管轰轰烈烈使人感动,但平平淡淡同样震撼人心。也许我们的生命里并没有如画的风景,但至少我们拥有美丽的野花,在湿润的土壤里同样可以散发香气。或者平平淡淡正是人生的真谛吧,我们虽然不能一同浪迹天涯,红尘作伴,但我们至少可以享有每个美丽的清晨和黄昏,我们可以执子之手地走过所有漫长的道路,哪怕路途中有着无数艰难险阻。执子之手,看似是句平淡无奇的话语,其间却包含着那么大的勇气。不为什么,只为你,漫漫长夜里执子之手,走完那一段又一段的长路,坎坷的道路上执子之手,度过一次又一次的难关,在所有的道路上与你携手走过,让整个世界都变得渺小。执子之手,在雨中共撑一顶小小的伞,在风中共披一件温暖的外套,让所有的山盟海誓都在此刻黯然失色,让执子之手的伟大爱情感动这个世界。在下雨的时候,你在车站孤伶伶地望着纷飞的雨线,你的心情是无可奈何的沉郁。这时从旁边伸过一把伞来,为你遮住了纷飞的雨丝和阴暗的天空;你不用回头,便知到是如山如海如蓝天的我正站在你的旁边了,便有一种极温暖极踏实的感觉涌上心头:雨丝就让它纷飞吧,天就让它阴暗吧,此时你已有了一把伞,而你的心情也因此而阳光灿烂。也许只是什么话也不说,只是在这漫长的道路上携手走过每一个路口,把我的真心放在你手中,携手走过一生一世的灿烂。 |
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: To make eyeglasses affordable, accessible to everyone
the leading online retailer for committed to bringing optimal vision to customers around the world without sacrificing quality, style, most importantly, affordable prices. Launched in 2011, GlassesShop.mobi believes that vision care is a fundamental right for everyone. Offering an assortment of eyeglasses that run the gamut from functional, sturdy to fashion-forward, lightweight, GlassesShop.mobi has something for everyone including designer deals from world famous glasses shop. For more information, please visit us at .
The shortage of affordable, accessible eyeglasses is one of the world largest solvable problems.
More than one billion people across the globe require but are unable to afford them. Without suitable prescription eye glasse, the people are often performing simple tasks becomes slower, more arduous, at times, simply impossible.
At we believe that every person should be able to own a pair of eyeglasses.
While Governments, non-profits are doing invaluable work toward this end, founders, employees recognize that only a strong relationship between business, the community will succeed in reaching this goal.
The internet has triggered lasting changes in the way people communicate, in the way the optical industry can benefit the vision impaired.
GlassesShop.mobi, its customers thrive on these changes. By designing, manufacturing, distributing its eyeglasses, is able to pass on significant savings to its customers, making eyeglasses far more affordable, accessible. is the ultimate opportunity to create value, not only as a business, but as an organization that cares, actively contributes to the community.
is a fast growing company, specializing in custom-made high quality, affordable eyeglasses provided directly to the end user.
We are proud to provide people with such an affordable, basic, necessary good.
The social aspect of our work has further enhanced the efficiency, service, collaborative nature of .
By embracing corporate social responsibility as a guiding approach, we have deepened our knowledge of our customers needs, expectations, increased the collaboration with partners, suppliers, engaged our team, all to further increase efficiency, improve the service to our customers.
is about what we as a company do to bring positive change in society by focusing on our core business.
By making eyeglasses affordable, accessible, we give our customers the gift of sight, we enable them to read, learn, work, experience life while enjoying the marvels of this world.
benefits from doing work that makes more people better off.
We have the resources, the skills, the equipment, the knowledge, most importantly the will, to contribute in the best way we know how - providing made-to-prescription eyeglasses to those who need them, at a price they can afford.
, Quality Online Eyeglasses accessible worldwide: :
is the top online retailer for prescription eyeglasses bringing finest vision to customers around the world with quality, style, most importantly, cheaper eyewear. Started in 2011, GlassesShop.mobi set out to provide cheap eyewear for everyone. Offering large collection of professionally made eyeglasses from well-made, sturdy to fashionable, lightweight, is focuses on saving your money on eyeglasses.
At we believe that all people requiring eyeglasses should be able to afford them. The lack of easily accessible, is one of the major global eyecare problems, more than one billion people across the world require eyeglasses but cannot manage to pay for them. Lacking proper access to eyeglasses, these people are often simple tasks becomes difficult, at times, just impossible.
Online Eyeglasses is a revolutionary concept. , its customers flourish on this change in the eyewear industry. By manufacturing, distributing its eyeglasses, passes significant savings to its customers, making eyeglasses far cheaper, accessible. believes in creating value but also a organization that cares, enthusiastically contributes to the society.
123wants to bring positive change in society by focusing on producing affordable eyewear. By making eyeglasses cheaper, easily accessible, we give our customers the gift of vision, we facilitate them to study, become skilled, work, enjoy life`s most important sense sight.
Loves doing work that makes people happy, better off. When we get Reviews on we have saved you money on prescription eyeglasses, this gives us a sense of achievement. We have the expertise, the equipment, most importantly the resolve to contribute to the community in the best possible way we can by providing custom made high quality prescription eyeglasses at cheaper prices which are affordable to everyone.
is a fast growing company focused on saving you money of Eyewear, specializing in Professionally made high quality, accurate made by qualified Optical technicians we are proud to provide community with such essential, basic need at an affordable price.